Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Day in the Life

Ten hours of solid, sweet sleep birthed me into this day.  Sweet prayer, a cleansing shower and a fruit smoothie took me to my office where nothing would go as planned.

Need took me to meet with the Sherriff, then to purchase two very large McDonald’s breakfasts for a homeless couple whom I encouraged and sent on to better help.  

Another couple wept with me as they tried to find a ways to forgive one another, and as I tried to help them see how very worthy of love each of them are.

A beautiful young woman who has invested most of her life in a relationship wept as she wondered at the future left in it.

A day of surprises and unexpected blessings and challenges.  Another day in life.  Most things I planned to do were left undone. 

And its OK.

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