Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Runaway hasn't Runaway

I know my postings have been few and far between for a while. Part of that is due to a busy schedule, many days out of town and plain old fatigue. I'd also have to admit that some of the complacency here is due to a lack of direction about what to write. It happens.

I enjoyed the foray into writing about prayer, and I'm still enjoying the new frontiers in that practice. However, it seems time to move on to something else.

So let me just let you know, if you all haven't jumped ship (I haven't even checked my analytics account to watch traffic in more than a month.), I'll try to get going again soon.

I am enjoying lots of feedback on my book, THE RUNAWAY PASTOR. Thanks for that, and for spreading the word about its message. Perhaps later this year, I will get back to the places that would like a signing party, and other promotion opportunities.

Peace to you, if you are there. :)


kdwmson said...

For what it is worth, I haven't jumped ship! I subscribe via an RSS feed, so I don't know if that shows up in your analytics or not.

Hated to not be there a few weeks back when some of the other family was at parkview. We had to leave that morning to drive back to KC.

Zee said...

nope :) still here.

VAM talked about the burnout and depression of the leaders / pastors last night at the Church board... i couldn't help but think of you and Trent. i wonder if mom has finished reading Runaway finally... promised that i would give it to VAM to read.