Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday Surprise

I don't know when was the last time I invited people to receive prayer for healing, and the accompanying annointing with oil. I knew that a few of our people had frightening diagnoses last week, and many are living in pain and sorrow. And so, I simply mentioned that if anyone wanted to be annointed (no magic me, no magic oil, but good God), they could come and kneel at the left side of our altar.

I expected that perhaps one or two, or maybe even three would come forward for the prayers of our congregation. I also expected more would go to the right side of the altar, where they could pray unattended and privately, with no one knowing their need.

After speaking the invitation, and as the chorus of a song was begun, my throat closed as did the aisles of our sanctuary. And as eleven people and their families and loved ones stepped forward, I felt again my extreme unworthiness to be the one leading the prayer and applying the oil.

Love filled the room, and peace spilled around the edges of faces. And once again, my plans for a Sunday service were improved upon.

Grace and peace to you as you live expecting the unexpected--and the comfort of His presence.


Unknown said...

You are a gift and now you know what to you are to do. You always make me proud and are a leader beyond what you give yourself credit for. God has you where you need to be.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful is the Lord's leading!