Hope you had a great weekend. I had a chance on Friday (my day off) to do the third chapter. This has really been fun for me. Like I said earlier, this book crashed with a hard drive several years ago, and I had only printed out a bit of it. I began writing it about 8 or so years back. So Cam and Kenna are like old friends, and they struggle with stuff that interests me. I've always hoped for a chance to get back to Breakers. Thanks for encouraging me along the way. I'm grateful.
You can click here to go and read the first three chapters of the book.
Again, your comments both spoken and written are appreciated. I welcome any suggestions, editing or ideas for the book. Just send them to me here or on my email, which is listed along the side bar to the right. Example, I'm not married to the title of the book. Maybe you would like to suggest another? Have at it.
I'll look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for reading. And if you like it, tell your friends please!
Peace to you.
yay!!! new chapter! i am off to read :)
that Jon man is creepy (so much for not stating the obvious, eh?).
heh... i had to smile at the notion that Cam can't date Kenna just 'cuz she smokes (well, that was the excuse there, anyway)...
i was thinking about this dating problem that Christians have. one thing i've noticed (and i include myself in the number of the guilty as charged folks, since i was just like that), sometimes we get so caught up in our differences (i'm a christian / he's not; i don't drink / he does; he smokes / i don't; etc etc etc), that we forget about the similarities that we share - the image of God in each person that we meet, the fact that everyone deserves to be loved ('cuz if God, the perfect I AM, can love everyone, then we, imperfect, can love too... with His strength)...
talking about that, it makes me think of another thing. very often, since i live in a country that is mainly orthodox (70% of people claim they are orthodox over here... you've been here, you know what it's like in reality, but that's a different story)... very often whenever people find out about the fact that i go to Church and that i am a Christian, but not an orthodoz one, the first question that everyone asks, "how are you different?"
and yes, there are differences, but the main one, for me, is just the style of worship. people are different and therefore the styles of worship are different. even to compare mom's and my Churches, even though they are both Nazarene, they are different. but we need to focus on our similarities - the one God we serve, the one Lord Jesus who saves us, the one Holy Spirit who helps us live minute by minute, day by day...
i am rambling, aren't i? :)))
all this to say, i love the book and i look forward to seeing what happens with Cam, Kenna, and Jon in the end.
I look forward to reading more too! I love the setting. Would love to visit that town. :)
On the comment about the dating problem.... it is a valid concern if you believe the scripture that says we should not be unequally yoked with another. I believe that I should not date a non-Christian. That doesn't mean I can't be friends with non-Christians, but dating is different, in my opinion.
I should have written "unequally yoked with an unbeliever." Sorry 'bout that.
to Jamie: yep, i agree re: dating, 'cuz it's easier to drag someone down than to lift someone up (if one talks in pictures)...
but sometimes we get *extremely* thoughtful about that and we are afraid of becoming friends with someone who's "different" because who knows? maybe i'll fall in love with him? (at least that applies to friends of opposite gender)...
but then, once again, what if God really wants you to fall in love with that unbeliever? His ways are funny sometimes :)
*shrug* just expressing my thoughts here :) thanks for your comments ;-)
I do know what you mean. :)
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